Our projects

The great gift of sunlight
It's a great joy to experience the free way of living that solar energy provides. It gives people more possibilities because:
  • the light is free to use for everyone, you don't have to pay for this energy,
  • you can use it wherever you are, independently from existing energy infrastructure.
Therefore it would be great if people around the world could choose to provide in their needs by using sunlight.

Entrepreneurship with sunlight
What we want to achieve with our initiative is entrepreneurship based on sunlight. We strive to make Light Catchers for high temperatures, with a high output. So you can produce more than you need for your own sustenance.

How do we do this? 
To achieve this is an ongoing process. Since 2006 we develop and design Light Catchers in our spare time, and we mainly work on it in the spring and summer. In 2011/2012 we have devoted one year to work on this project full time.

In development
At the moment we strive for three initiatives with our Light Catchers:
  • Cafe Solaire; Organic cooking on solar energy. For this we are engaged in the design of the 'Big Light Catcher' and the 'Solaccino machine'.
  • Atelier Solaire; Light Catchers for different crafts such as bronze, tin, and aluminum casting. But you can also think about melting silver and gold, glass blowing and ceramics. For this we are working on a high temperature firing kiln and a small melting kiln. In the summer of 2011 we had an extensive testing period in the south of Portugal.
  • Light entrepreneurship; It's still challenging to design Light Catchers in such a way that they have a high production capacity. But ultimately we want the above projects to serve as models for setting up businesses with Light Catchers. We strive to offer this to everyone who wants to begin a small scale business by using sunlight.

Because all designs are still in development, we can't yet show pictures of the final Light Catchers on our blog. Are you interested in the design process, please contact us; zonneoven@gmail.com

P.S. Dutch speakers can also read this text in Dutch at; www.zonneoven.nlSpreek je Nederlands dan kan je deze tekst ook in het Nederlands lezen op; www.zonneoven.nl

P.S. To native English speakers. Since we are Dutch, there might be some grammatically poor sentences on our site. We really like to improve on our English, so if there are any minor or major mistakes, please tell us! Thanks a lot in advance.